JEM Logics Inc. is an NAJA Accredited Gemological Laboratory
Call or Text Us (631) 769-4441
JEM Logics Inc. is an NAJA Accredited Gemological Laboratory
Before you arrive, please bring any previous appraisals, laboratory reports, receipts, repair information or warranties you may have for your item(s). While these are not required, they can help in the process.
When you arrive, we will confirm the type of assignment you would like your jewelry appraisal to be such as insurance coverage or estate division. Most appointments are done in person and last between 30 minutes to 1 hour per item but can run a little longer based on the number of items or their complexity. All item values are researched to ensure their proper valuation in the appraisal. If your item is new, we research similar items of Like/Kind/Quality in a like market to where it was purchased or do a cost-based analysis plus an appropriate retail mark-up to come to a valuation of your piece. For vintage or antique jewelry, we may research secondary markets where these items may be found. For assignments that require Fair Market Valuations, we may research comparable sales data from auctions and sold items in the market.
Your appointment also will include, but not limited to the following:
All of our appraisals are USPAP compliant which is the standard of appraisal practice in the United States.
*The client will usually receive the completed report right after the appointment, but some pieces requiring more research will receive it no later than 3 days from the evaluation based on the complexity of the assignment. See our pricing tab for costs.
JEM Logics Inc.
25 Melville Park Rd, Suite 180, Melville, New York 11747, United States
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